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Aerial View of Waves

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There are people who are affected by it, others not, or it depends on what kind of vehicle you use. But for at least some problems there are good options to get rid of it.

It already began when I was a little girl. No car, no bus, no train was a good place for me to used to get from destination to another. I always felt sick, my head was spinning, my belly was feeling like in a roller coaster and a few times I even had to puke.

Not good at all.

Specially when you grew up in a small town in the country side and it was essential to take the car to visit your grandparents. Of course, I could have taken the bike, but I was too little to do that on my own. And in fact: I was a lazy little bun as well!

How did I overcome Travel Sickness? I didn't. But the older I got the more resistant my body was. Now I only have a problem in a bus or sitting backwards in a car. Well, or the roads are pure madness like it was in India.

Your thought may be:

“Oh boy! She has to take lots of pills to survive the wild streets of the world.”

Luckily it's not that wild. At least, not from my side. Maybe the animals are or people depending on what part of the world I am about to explore.

Did you know that 1 in 3 people are considered to get motion or travel sick? Even though it's not the best way to see it, but at least we are not alone with that wiggley feeling in our precious tummy that usually likes it, under different circumstances, to be filled with plenty of food .

But here we are, getting ready for our next adventure and having a tiny panic attack, because there is this feeling again.


GET USED TO SHORT TRIPS IN A CAR OR BUS For example visit a friend of yours in a nearby town or city. I am sure you'll feel a bit dizzy, but not as much as being on the road for several hours.

And please, don't sit backwards in a bus or in the very back, because that's the most common mistake people do when they get travel sick easily. The body is usually not walking or driving backwards. Therefore, you get out of balance and your brain and body tries to solve the problem.

The seats in the back are often on top of the wheels and in case the front of the car is driving over a hole in the street, or anything else that could affect the bus, the movement is doubled back there! With that said, the shaky feeling in your body intensifies every single time.

Just think of water. A drop is falling into a lake or a puddle. It is already enough to move the surface. Wherever the drop hits the water, there will be waves. First they are tiny, but they evolve and get bigger and bigger and bigger, until they reach a point where they disappear again. In case you didn't understand what I mean, I just added a photo down below.

#1 The drop hits the surface of the water

#2 It creates the first wave and moves from the inside to the outside

#3 The wave gets bigger and bigger until it disappears again

FENNEL It is a good herb to ease the pain of your belly. That's why it is called in Germany: Baby-Tea.

I mean it makes sense. One of the most common teas babies or toddlers get to drink is fennel tea. Specially when you have siblings, cousins or friends who have babies you know that they always have problems with their bellies to digest anything.

Therefore, get fennel seeds and chew on a few, suck out the juice and swallow it, but spit out the rest of the seeds. You can eat them, but it's not that nice.

“But what's with fennel tea?”

That's right. What's with fennel tea on the road? Since you are not allowed to take water with you on board of a plane, or you could spill water in a car or bus, even hurt someone because it is hot water, I would not recommend it. Next to it, the more concentrated it is, the better.

"A friend of mine suggested getting fennel seeds while I was in India."

Most of them eat or better chew the seeds after having some breakfast, lunch or dinner so that the food will be better digested and you won't feel blown or anything. Besides, it relaxes your stomach and is good while you are on the road.

NO SMOKING IN THE CAR I had a big problem with that. And still have. I really don't like to smell cigarettes and my stomach cramps even a little when I only inhale the cold smoke. So just imagine how it is while you are in a car and someone beside you lit a cigarette? Yepp, double bad for the belly. That's why you should ask whover joined you on the trip not to do it. Should be alright when you explain why you are having an issue with it at the moment.

ALWAYS HAVE SOME WATER OR CHEWING GUM WITH YOU I figured out to massage your belly and to drink water from time to time relaxes the belly. Just one zip once a while and the feeling of being sick reduces a little. Gum has the same effect.

"But why is that?"

I am no doctor or scientist. Therefore, I cannot tell in detail why it works. I only can imagine that you pretend to give your stomach some food and that's why it is kind of busy and forgets to send “Travel Sickness” information to the brain.

"Everything is connected, you know? Of course, you do."

RESCUE REMEDY - BACH FLOWERS Since they ease the mind and relax the body it helped me a lot to get through school and other exams. It helps for stressed and tense situations in general. They are organic and you should get them in any pharmacy without a recipe.

PILLS - STUGERON Sometimes nothing works out, I always would have some Travel Sickness pills in my tiny bag just in case. Nothing is more important to feel good while you are on the road. Only one pill in the beginning is like a little wonder. But I have to say don't overdo it.

TAKE SOME MORE BREAKS All of us like it to arrive at a place in the shortest amount of time.

But in case you are not feeling alright it is good to take short breaks to refresh body and soul. Take a deep breath in and out for a few times and you feel better.

DON'T FORGET TO DRINK ENOUGH That's only something general... you should never forget to drink on the road. Because no matter in what kind of terrain you are, your body needs enough water during the day. Since water is a vehicle that transports all the important minerals and other things through your body it is advised to drink as much as you can. Otherwise, you get a dry mouth, itchy eyes, aching belly or a bad headache.

IN CASE NOTHING HELPS - TRAVEL SICK BAGS Well, take a plastic bag with you, because it happens that you feel too sick and don't be ashamed in case you need to puke. Often you only drank some water or ate a bit. It can happen and don't worry about it too much. You are just a human and just more sensitive than others.

That's all for today and I hope I was able to help you out a little bit.

I am sure there are some more tips and tricks how to avoid Travel Sickness, but these are the once I tested myself and therefore, I am able to write about it the best.

Besides, I am always for organic solutions, because others are human made, and not a gift from mother earth herself. Of course not everything can be treated with organic medicine, but when only your stomach or brain is having a hard time to digest, while being on a little journey you should avoid all the hard chemical cocktails.


I hope you enjoyed reading the article and that it has been helpful. Don't forget to share this post on Pinterest or visit me on any other Social Media pages.

Give me a shout, in case you need some more advice and leave a comment below to let me know! I am always happy to help out. :)

Thank you so much and see you in the future,


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