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A lot of people know about it and they just overlook it, roll their eyes or say that other animals, yes, I used that word “other” on purpose, are less worth than humans. We are still animals, no matter how “smart” we are.

Of course, we have a different way to think, that’s true, but is it really that much of a difference? We eat when we are hungry, we drink when we are thirsty, we poop when digestion tells us and sleep when we are tired.

FUN FACT: Did you know that dolphins have sex just for fun? They even use pufferfish to rub their bodies at it to get high.”

In case we really want to be something “better” we should take a step back and overthink how our so loved products are made and come from.

On the internet are several lists to check what brands and companies that stand behind those are still testing everything on mice, rats, rabbits, birds, monkeys and other poor creatures that deserve a better life, no matter how fast they can reproduce. And you don’t want to know what I figured out.

“Most of the Big Brands still test their products on animals.”

You don’t believe me, right?

Well, luckily I’ll add a link in the end of the article to look for yourself in disbelief. For me it’s strange to think about it, because why are those products, specially Make Up that expensive when they are actually tested on animals? Shouldn’t it be cheaper? And shouldn’t it be shown on the back side that you are about to buy a product that is not “ECO”-friendly?

To be honest, of course they don’t do it. They only do it when you directly harm yourself or others that are next to you, like cigarettes. Everyone knows by now how bad cigarettes are. There are ugly photos on the cover and backside, warning you that you should quit smoking. I would love to see a red dot on the back of those cases to tell: Tested on Animals” and a green one for “Not tested on Animals But for telling people that they use animal tested products it’s not relevant, because they were treated bad and not you. YOU are just the one that is buying these products without knowing, thinking even positive about it with the thought how expensive they are and it has to be good quality.

All that matters to those big companies is to make a fortune of money, same for the government. Instead of making the world to a better place like they promise you in every election, they just go backwards and care about how to suck the life out of our planet in the meaning of resources. Sadly, reality is often different from the mind of people. Here are some links that I found to figure out if your “daily care routine” are listed with a red or a green dot. It’s upon us to change the world and no one else can do it. We are the cause of so many problems, because we are blind, trustful, and ask questions too less where resources are actually coming from.

Therefore, we should start to overthink of how we want to live. It is a list from a German Page, but to read the names of the companies and see the photos of the brands should be easy to understand.

“Did you know that all of the Coca-Cola and Mars products are on that list? Yepp, I didn’t know either.

Thanks to Cruelty Free Kitty you can do a quick search to figure out if the products you use are officially claimed “Tested on Animals”.


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