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It's true, I've been in Japan for six months now and I didn't really update anyone on what's going on. My actual idea was to share monthly information about the country that I chose to be my home for minimum a year. A lot of things happened, unexpected things and it is still difficult to catch up. But here I am, somewhat annoyed, but taking action.

In fact, I still love it to live in Japan. Yet, after all the excitement passed I want to get back and tell you everything, bit by bit what I learned so far. It'll take some time for sure, but I decided to write very short stories of things that I was surprised about, until this day not understand and all the little wonders.

Due to Corona nothing turned out the way I wanted to. The thing that I learned about not being able to follow the plan that I actually had in mind, made me feel very bad, even depressed. I thought it is about getting used to all the new things, that are daily life for Japanese, but later on I figured out, it is about me not being able to find a job, being free to travel the places I desperately was looking for such a long time, making new friends - them leaving the country due the epidemic, missing my family and just not doing the stuff I was thinking about.

Sure, a lot of wonderful things happened as well.

After the lock down was over I visited some places, spent days at the beach, went hiking, tried a lot of food and what not.

I learned, it is okay being lazy, because when you don't have the energy and the correct mind set, how can you give 100% ? You need to heal when you don't feel well, you need to take your time to figure from where you like to go and make new plans which need time again. Still trying to find myself, but that's the journey I began 6 months ago... A constant learning, experiencing, searching and finding myself in places I never knew before. Physically and psychologically.

Therefore, it is autumn in Japan. I could not experience Hanami in a Yukata and having a picnic with friends, no Hanabi in summer and barbecues in the park, no big travels to Okinawa, Hiroshima or Sapporo.

But the year is not over, and I am about to share everything I did in spring and summer as a memory, devoted to you and those that went through the same as I did. Finding myself at mysterious dark and bright places always on the look out for something that makes me happy. I am ready, are you?

PS: Being lazy for a while is good, you gain new energy, positive mind and you are ready for any adventure that awaits you!

Let's do it together.

Mata ne,



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