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Many of us know that problem just too well. They want to do more, be more. There is that inner feeling again to get stuck in their own thoughts way too often and don’t know how to escape and end up frustrated. I am about to show you 5 easy tricks of how you are able to escape reality, heavy thoughts at least a little bit and get re-inspired.


A walk is not only good for your mind, but for your body as well. Way too often you are sitting in your dark room on a chair in front of the screen and forgot the time passing by like the water is running through the river bet seemingly endless without a destination in sight.

Your thoughts are somewhere else, maybe even stuck, always following the same line of story without a happy ending. You are frustrated that you don’t get any new ideas that create a warm feeling in your heart that you did something productive. Too many beginnings, but no vigour to follow either one of them. It is time to get up, stretch yourself, put on your coat and get out there. Nature is waiting or the adventurous streets of the city you live in. It does not matter, the only thing that does is you move your body to move your mind. Don’t think about a destination.


It is your home where you will return after the walk. But now it is about getting lost in the park, narrow streets, neighbourhood, beach, forest… Places of the environment where you live and know, but every single time something different happens. Be it a sudden summer rain, the smell of flowers, a cat passing by – not taking a look at you, a nice chat with an old lady who asks to help her out, sitting on a bench next to the river and you see some birds trying to catch insects next to it.

I know it is difficult to let go of your thoughts, but with fresh air it is easier to think and to get a new perspective of what really matters. It is about the little things, bits and pieces that make the difference. Only an idea. Maybe you have a camera and you could go on a hunt to collect all your memories to remember later on when you are back home!

Don’t get stuck with something that you can’t change at the moment. Specially when your brain is blocked you should give it some air. Walk time!


Many of us did that in school to collect ideas for a specific topic in history, geography class or languages and know how it works.

It helped me out many times when I had the feeling that I am stuck while I was planing a new concept of a project or an app to think free and don’t want to miss it any more. With a mind map you get the chance to set your mind on a course without knowing where it goes. In case you feel insecure to do that, don’t worry that much about the outcome, because there will be a lot of “stupid” or “nonsense” ideas or directions, but to have everything written down on a big piece of paper you get a feeling of what you want and what train of thought you deeply desire to follow.

It is about to use the part of your brain that is still innocent and not swayed by opinions of others. Take a deep breath and once again it really does not matter how far away the things are that buzz in your mind from one corner to the other. Write them down and you get rid of them.

Don’t keep track of what you want to have achieved in the end of your brain storming. Give your mind the freedom it needs for doing it!


Are you a tea or a coffee lover? Doesn’t really matter, because you are going to love it any ways! It is time to take a break from whatever you do right now. Stop being creative or “online” socio-cultural involved and give yourself the space you need. It is impossible for you to “be” there for your work, hobbies or friends all day long.

At some point your mind is turning off and gets tired, even sometimes frustrated and your feet start to bounce up and down because they can’t deal with the stress any longer.

Move your butt and zombie walk in your kitchen to prepare yourself for some “you-time”. I call it “me-time”, because it is about me and my relaxing moments.

Often you only need 15 minutes to regain energy. Lit some candles with the smell of lavender, rose or chamomile. They help you to destress and calms down. Enjoy your cup of tea or coffee with no big noises that surround you and open the window or door that leads your ears and eyes into the garden or balcony. Only noises are allowed that help you relax.

Nothing else.

Drink slowly. Feel the taste on your tongue, the tickling warm sensation while you swallow the first sip of your favourite drink. The warm feeling is filling you out. First it’s just a tiny drop that arrives the entry of your belly, but from there it is increasing and moves through your veins like positive hot shock waves that makes you feel good.

Don’t wait until you have enough of the day and got angry, because everything is just too much. It is really important to take your “me-break” when you need it!

I know how it's like having sleeping problems because of stress and being overworked. Other side effects have been a sensitive stomach, dizzy brain, no hunger and feelings weren't really available. There are a lot of things you can do for feeling better. Specially before I went to bed I tried to listen to all kinds of sounds.

One of them was 8 hours of relaxing music for stress relief. I liked it that the video is very long. Because with that I made sure that, even though I needed a long time to fall asleep, it would not end suddenly or be filled with adverts.


The smallest exercise makes you feel good. I know what I am talking about. Myself still has to learn to do exercises more frequently, but I am tired very often and don’t want to be even more tired. During school everyone told me that they feel refreshed after sport class, I was always completely exhausted. My brain switched off and didn’t work any more.

That’s why small exercise is the key. Do some sit ups, stretching, frog jumps or check what body part you would like to help to look better and train for 10 minutes. You will see, 10 minutes is more than enough to sweat and to feel good, because you know you did something amazing for your body and mind.

Be aware that you may be a bit out of breath or yet shocked in what kind of bad shape you are actually in. Do your exercise a few times a week and your mind begins to think more positive, concentration and focus remains longer intact and you won’t believe how much your body will thank you for these special moments.

Don’t stop shaking your body, because your mind is dancing!


The worst for many is to write down a schedule for themself. Isn’t it enough to know that you have to go to your job Monday’s to Friday’s from 7 am to 5 pm? And that weekend only last for two days and on Sunday evening you are sad once again, because it’s over and looking forward to the next? No, it’s not enough.

Your spare time is precious and it should be used well. How many hours did you check the same pages on the internet again and again? How many times did you get lost with cat videos in the morning, still lying in bed? And how many times you got angry, because you didn’t do what you actually wanted during your so precious weekend? Begin to think. A schedule is essential to get the best out of your free time. You don’t have to follow it to 100%. But at least 70% makes by now a difference. Sure, it needs a bit effort to move your body and to stick to the plan. But I swear on my breakfast that you will thank me for the advice.

Now is the time to sit in your most beloved arm chair or part of the sofa with a pen and paper to write down what you want to do over the weekend. Next to it how much time you want to spend for it and the breaks you need to go for example from one place to another in case it involves sport, friends, shopping or family.

Try to finish all the necessary household tasks during the week right after work. Don’t sit down, get it done and after that you deserve the break you needed and a relaxed evening. Cleaning should not need that long when you have everything neat and tidy any ways. You are strong willed while not doing anything, so why not using that energy for the important things in life that make you happy? And when nothing is left on your “to do” list you have enough space in your mind to get inspired for new adventures to come.

Don’t hold back, use your energy wise and get your sh*t done!

That’s all for today. Let me know what you do to get out of your comfort zone while you are stuck in the same old stories of your life.


I hope you enjoyed reading the article and that it has been helpful. Don't forget to share this post on Pinterest or visit me on any other Social Media pages.

Give me a shout, in case you need some more advice and leave a comment below to let me know! I am always happy to help out. :)

Thank you so much and see you in the future,


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