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I know, no one wants to think about that. Specially not all the amazing and beautiful female travellers out there. But it is still a problem that only can be solved or changed in the next couple of years, maybe a few centuries. The word and the negative feeling that it sometimes creates is “Equality”.

There are still a lot of countries where a woman is less worth than a man. Sure, no one likes to think about it. One of the facts may be that we live in the 21st century. But that does not mean that just because we are living in a more open and connected world that every single country has the same laws, education and comfortable standards.

Only when we talk about it we can change it to the better. During the past years of travelling to multiple and diverse countries I never had to deal with big differences, but I was aware of them and able to feel it. And to make it clear, I didn’t like it. Women and men should be treated equal, because they are both human beings, the same species and only the organs how to procreate and muscles are different so that both sides fit each other perfectly. It is nothing bad to be a woman and be less strong than a man when it’s about opening a jar or lifting heavy objects. A woman is strong too, just in other fields.

#01 NO ACCESS TO CERTAIN AREAS OF THE WORLD There are areas in this world where only men have access to. Not talking about an open bathhouse or the changing rooms of your favourite soccer team. It is about areas where only men are free to walk through. Some are closed for women to keep them save. Others because of religious opinions or a certain lifestyle. Sadly you have to accept that, otherwise you may get into serious trouble that is not only paying a fee, but also could mean jail for a long time with no chance of being free at all.

There is a case of a young man behaving not accurate in North Korea who was put into prison and was later on released and transferred back home, but died shortly after he arrived. The cause was beaten into coma. Remember, that happened to a man, not a woman.


There are times when you try to talk to an authority to figure what to do when you are having a problem, being in trouble or just want to figure out where to go. They pretend not to understand what you are saying, don’t listen or just ignore you completely. Next to it in some countries it is forbidden as a woman to talk to man when they are not their husband or belong to the family. Authorities are no exception.


Sometimes there are limitations of things that women are allowed to do. And let it be the simplest things in the world that you do every single day. Like driving a car, go to the supermarket alone, talk to a stranger to help out or even friends that have a different gender. There is a never ending list of things that women are denied to do in a lot of countries which is difficult to understand when you grew up with freedom over your own body and mind.

Not allowed voting is common as well and going to school to get a good education so that they can take care of themselves. The list is getting longer and longer. They are not allowed to visit a sports stadium, share a motorbike, enter some places of worship, to work and take paid maternity leave in case of a pregnancy or even to leave the house whenever they want. You are right. Not being allowed to leave the house.

Applying for passports, travelling abroad or in their own country, getting married and divorced, opening a bank account, starting certain businesses, getting elective surgery, leaving prison, lots of jobs women are not allowed to do with the argument “out of respect and safety”, front line fighting, playing golf, not allowed to take a cab without the permission of a man or use public transports in general. Not only enough. Rapists can still claim parental rights in some American states.

Just to mention the restrictions above are a collection of countries all over the world not of a specific one alone.

Some of these cases are not affecting you straight away, but you may get into trouble when you are wandering alone through the streets with no men next to you. It is sad, but no matter where you go always try to figure out what kind of rules you should adapt to a certain point. In the end nothing is more important than your own safety.


By now everyone should know that in some countries there are rules for women what they have to wear and what to show, better not to show. One piece of cloth I am sure every one of you is thinking of it right now in this very moment. And you are right. It’s the Abaya. A robe that is usually black and covers the whole body of a woman except the eyes. But even those are sometimes covered with a sort of net where you can look through. From the outside you barely can make out any detail.

Yes, it is about to believe in something or someone. But still, those things, that are true and innocent in nature and only should have been chosen by your own will often is used against them. The man chooses what to wear in the end and in case of misbehaviour there are consequences. And those lines are questionable, because is it written down somewhere to be allowed to do so, or have been those words being twisted and used in the way they want to, only to rule over another person's life?

It should be freedom of every single person on earth to wear what they like, be it a statement like religion, sexuality, just because the colours are beautiful or whatever. It does not matter, your body, your choice. No exceptions.

There are other kinds of clothes that are restricted like wearing your usual swim wear.

In India, you’ll get something that is very similar like a swim suit. But it is the same with other countries it depends on the area. In some you can wear your regular bikini or one-piece swimsuit. In others, you should cover your legs until the knees and no showing off the breasts even in the slightest. It is about showing respect for different cultures than yours, sometimes to keep you save, sometimes everyone, be it men or women, which is good.

Still, in the end there are no stories of men, not being allowed by women what to wear, be it a deep connection to their believing or not. It is always the opposite.


It is a problem all over the world and no matter what country you are about to explore you should prepare yourself. From small things such as a man is whistling after you, checks you out with that casual moving of his eyes from up and down, looking at your boobs constantly, tries with annoying and sometimes disgusting jokes to begin with you a conversation. These are just the smaller issues, but still women have to deal with it at least once in their life. Those situations are overlooked all the time, because they are part of our society and kind of normal, even though it shouldn’t be.

Men should imagine at least once how they may feel when it’s the opposite around. First they smile and later they would tell you that it would not be that bad until they really understood the deeper meaning of living with the issue day in and day out. Some jobs are more affected than others. Like barkeepers, waitresses and jobs that have a higher communication aspect in general.

Besides, there are the more complicated cases. From getting grabbed or slapped on the butt while you try to walk through a group of men in a club, a “no” not taken seriously, not listening when you told them that you disagree, no matter what it is up to violence against women at home and the worst case – rape.

February 21, 2018: In January 2018, SSH commissioned a 2,000-person, nationally representative survey on sexual harassment and assault, conducted by GfK. It found that nationwide, 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime.”stopstreetharassment

In case you have experienced or experiencing Sexual Harassment find someone to talk to and call the Sexual Harassment Hotline of the country you are living in. No one has to be alone and when you raise your voice you are helping yourself and strengthen the community to force the laws to be changed to the better.

Join #meToo and make the world a better place. Say no to inequality.

That’s all for today.

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Don’t forget… The smallest things make the difference!

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Give me a shout, in case you need some more advice and leave a comment below to let me know! I am always happy to help out. :)


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Give me a shout, in case you need some more advice and leave a comment below to let me know! I am always happy to help out. :)

Thank you so much and see you in the future,


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